Owner / Designer / Builder: David Metzger
The Rosendale property is a test site for my philosophy of a home being part of a complete ecosystem where the homeowners enjoy their integral role in sustaining and preserving the natural world.
The house was built to "passive house" air sealing standards with 0.42 ACH 50 (air changes per hour) at 50 Pascals—confirmed with a blower door test. The result is a substantial reduction in energy needed to heat and cool the building to that of a comparably-sized structure--while also creating an interior environment that is comfortable at lower temperatures in winter. Details such as spray foam insulation, reclaimed materials, zero VOC finishes, and 50-year warranties on durable exterior materials contribute to a structure built for low maintenance, healthy indoor air quality (IAQ), and a long life cycle.
The landscaping was designed to provide food, water, and shelter for wildlife. Bioswales and rain gardens were built to capture stormwater where it is slowly filtered through the earth rather than washed away into roadways and local rivers. Native wildflower meadows and native "no-mow" fescue grasses were planted to establish deep roots that are drought-resistant and grow to be pest-resistant, weed-resistant, and don't need to be fertilized or mowed. Native shrub and tree species were selected to preserve their genetic heritage in this region.
Custom building a home provides a long-term investment not only in a man-made structure but also a stake in the environment as a whole.